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GIS In Action: Real-World Examples of How It's Used

GIS In Action Real World Examples of How Its Used

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have become indispensable tools across a multitude of industries, revolutionizing the way we understand, analyze, and interact with spatial data. Cutting-edge platforms like 12th Wonder are leading this transformation, offering advanced capabilities that push the boundaries of spatial analysis.  In this article, we’ll explore real-world examples of how GIS is making a difference: 

Urban Planning and Development
In urban areas, GIS plays a crucial role in city planning and development. By analyzing demographic data, land use patterns, and transportation networks, urban planners can make informed decisions about zoning, infrastructure investment, and community development.

For example, an urban planner using a quality GSI system like 12th Wonder can determine the best locations for a school, hospital, or park by considering population density, traffic patterns, and environmental impact. 

Our web, mobile, and desktop GIS applications, developed on the ESRI/Bentley platform, are valuable tools for: 

  • Streamlining property tax mapping 
  • Supporting city development programs 
  • Creating 3D models of buildings under construction 
  • Measuring the height of structures for safety purposes 
  • Providing shortest navigation routes to reduce crime rates 
  • Identifying ideal locations for retail stores and educational institutions 
  • Conducting demographic mapping 

Cities like Amsterdam and Singapore have used GIS systems to enhance their urban planning efforts, resulting in smart, livable urban spaces. 

Emergency Management
During natural disasters or emergencies, GIS is a lifeline for emergency responders and relief organizations. By mapping affected areas, assessing damage, and coordinating rescue efforts, GIS enables swift and effective response strategies.

For instance, during Hurricane Katrina GIS was used to map flood zones, coordinate rescue operations, and plan the distribution of relief supplies. It helped in visualizing the extent of the disaster, identifying affected areas, and optimizing emergency response. GIS data supported decision-makers in prioritizing efforts and allocating resources effectively.

The 12W mobile application provides information on high-risk areas vulnerable to floods and other natural disasters, based on historical data and monsoon patterns. It identifies high and moderate-density regions, as well as low-lying areas, which are crucial for mitigating human and agricultural losses 

Transportation and Logistics
In the transportation and logistics sector, GIS is essential for optimizing routes, managing fleets, and improving delivery efficiency. By analyzing traffic patterns, road conditions, and delivery routes, logistics companies can reduce travel time, lower fuel consumption, and enhance customer satisfaction.

For example, GIS technology helps companies like FedEx and UPS optimize delivery routes and track shipments in real-time, ensuring timely and efficient logistics operations.

12W has developed an automatic feature extraction tool for identifying all types of road signs using high-resolution satellite imagery. This tool also extracts assets on both sides of the road and creates 3D models of the terrain to optimize cost of Road infra 

Public Health and Epidemiology
In the realm of public health, GIS is a valuable tool for disease surveillance, outbreak response, and healthcare planning. By mapping disease spread, identifying high-risk areas, and tracking healthcare resources, GIS enables public health officials to allocate resources effectively and implement targeted interventions.

For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, GIS technology was instrumental in tracking the virus’s spread, identifying hotspots, and guiding vaccination efforts. 

Agriculture and Precision Farming
In agriculture, GIS is transforming the way farmers manage their land and optimize crop production. By analyzing soil composition, weather patterns, and crop health, farmers can make informed decisions about planting, irrigation, and pest control.

For instance, precision agriculture techniques powered by GIS help farmers increase yields, reduce input costs, and minimize environmental impact by applying resources only where they are needed most. 

We have adopted change detection analysis to monitor crop patterns and identify reasons for poor crop growth. Based on this analysis, we recommend necessary measures such as reducing fertilizer use and promoting organic farming practices.

Utilities and Infrastructure Management
GIS plays a pivotal role in managing utilities and infrastructure, helping to optimize the maintenance and expansion of critical services. By mapping infrastructure networks and analyzing usage patterns, utility companies can improve service delivery, reduce downtime, and plan for future growth.

For example, GIS helps electric utility companies manage power grids, plan for expansions, and restore services after outages. This technology ensures the reliability and efficiency of essential services.

Our team’s extensive experience with Utility projects using Bentley MicroStation, ESRI, Hexagon, G\Technology, and open-source GIS, along with application development across web, mobile, and desktop, sets us apart. 

Final Word
These examples illustrate the diverse applications of GIS across different industries, highlighting its transformative impact on decision-making, resource management, and environmental stewardship. As technology continues to advance and our understanding of spatial data deepens, the potential of GIS to drive positive change and create a more sustainable future is boundless.  

By harnessing the power of GIS and innovative platforms like 12th Wonder, we can address complex challenges, promote resilience, and build thriving communities for generations to come.